Is Fuerteventura Windy? Debunking the Myths




Who says it is windy in Fuerteventura? Ok, I grant you that Fuerteventura can be quite windy, particularly at certain times of the year. But that is often a good thing as it helps to keep the temperature down to a nice level during the summer and it also makes kite and wind surfers happy.

Is it windy in Fuerteventura is something I get asked a lot, as Fuerteventura certainly seems to have a reputation for being a windy island. It is a somewhat justified reputation, but I would call it breezy rather than windy for much of the year.

No relatively small island in the world surrounded by a large ocean is without a good deal of wind for much of the time. I have never been to any of the West Indies islands, for example, that didn’t have a pretty constant moderate breeze most of the day.

Is it always windy in Fuerteventura

How windy is Fuerteventura?

It is certainly not always windy in Fuerteventura, despite the rumours.

I am writing this at 10am on 1st February and, looking out of my window, I can see that the leaves on the trees in my garden are not even moving slightly. It is totally still (and lovely and sunny too).

The amount of wind depends on several factors:

  • the time of year, as some months are windier than others
  • whether there is a large weather system in the area
  • the time of day
  • where on the island you are

The prevailing Fuerteventura wind is from the NNE (north-northeast). It is situated at the start of the Trade Winds, where sailing ships of old used to travel across the American continent (and yachtsmen still use it today to cross the Atlantic).

Is fuerteventura windy? Average monthly wind speed in Fuerteventura
Fuerteventura wind by month

Why is Fuerteventura so windy?

As I said above, it is not always windy in Fuerteventura, but as with all islands in warm parts of the world, the sea has a major influence on the wind.

During the day, the land heats up and the air above it rises. Cooler air is drawn in from above the sea to replace the rising air, causing a wind.

What is the windiest month in Fuerteventura?

The two windiest months in Fuerteventura are normally July and August.

Now, this may sound like bad news, with those months being a popular time for visitors from the UK and other parts of northern Europe to visit (often with children). But fear not; it is actually a good thing, as, without the wind, the temperatures would be as unbearable during the day as they often are in southern Spain and the Balearic Islands during those months.

My brother and his wife took their grandson to Ibiza in August last year and it was so hot that they had to stay in the air-conditioned sanctuary of their hotel during the day and could only go to the beach in the evening.

The wind helps keep things cool so you can spend the day on the beach or by a pool.

On many beaches in Fuerteventura, at least the good, natural beaches, you will find many stone circles, built by tourists, that you can lie in to get out of the wind if you want. They also provide a good deal of privacy too.

Stone circle on a Corralejo beach
Stone circle on a Corralejo beach

When is it the least windy in Fuerteventura?

September, October and November are, more often than not, the least windy months in Fuerteventura. They are the two nicest months of the year as the temperature is still quite high and the wind is more like a light breeze.

My wife and I always came here at that time of year for holidays, which was particularly good as the children had returned to school by then, so flights were much cheaper.

Of course, it is still possible to have a few windy days but you win and lose some.

windy fuerteventura

Is Fuerteventura windy in winter?

Although it can certainly be windy in Fuerteventura during the winter, that is only now and again. For the most part, an average winter day in Fuerteventura is like a nice spring day in the UK (I vaguely remember those).

For four years before we moved here full time, we normally spent 2-3 months here over the winter and would be able to spend the afternoon on the beach most of the days, and many of those days would hardly have any wind.

This is a video I made about the winter weather in Fuerteventura:

Is the wind cold in Fuerteventura?

Firstly, Fuerteventura is never cold, at least not by UK standards. Fuerteventura never gets close to having a frost, even on the coldest morning of the year. Last winter, the coldest nighttime temperature registered on my thermometer was 11ºC.

But what about the wind? I have lived here for more than 11 years, and I take my dog for a walk every evening about an hour before the sun sets. Last winter, I put my fleece over my t-shirt about ten times because the wind seemed a little cold when I went out—but I was still wearing shorts. Honestly, I probably didn’t need it on half of those occasions.

Mind you, many think I am a bit hardy as I have only ever worn shorts since I have lived here. Some of my local friends I walk the dogs with sometimes wear jeans, shirt, jumper and a coat when we walk while I just have shorts and a t-shirt on.

If you are coming here on holiday during the winter months, you may need a cardigan or something on in the evenings when you are out and about—but leave the winter woollies at home.

Which is windier Lanzarote or Fuerteventura?

There is little to choose between the two islands regarding which is the windiest. They both have their moments. Considering that they are only a few miles apart, you might think that if it is windy on a particular day on one island, it will be the same on the other. But bizarrely, that often isn’t the case.

I find it quite amazing how different Fuerteventura and Lanzarote are in terms of weather and landscape at any particular moment. I can see Lanzarote from just down the road from my house, and quite often, we have no clouds at all, but I can see Lanzarote covered in them.

Which is the windiest Canary Islands?

Both Fuerteventura and Lanzarote are generally considered to be the windiest Canary Islands. I am still not entirely sure why that is, as the other islands are further out into the Atlantic, so it would make more sense if they were windier. I guess it is some meteorological phenomenon.

That doesn’t mean the other islands, such as Tenerife or Gran Canaria, are not windy, as they can sometimes be pretty wild.

Does Fuerteventura mean strong wind?

Although many people believe that the name Fuerteventura “Fuerte Ventura” means strong wind, the jury is out on this one.

Fuerte certainly means “strong,” but while Ventura could mean wind, it is more likely to mean luck/fortune. So it could mean either strong wind or, more probably, strong luck/good fortune.

Calima Fuerteventura – what is it?

Is Fuerteventura windy - A calima in Fuerteventura
This is a Calima on 22nd February 2020, the worst we have experienced. There are mountains there somewhere!

Many people have heard of the Mistral wind in France and even the Sirocco, which blows from the Sahara north towards the Mediterranean, but not many have heard of a Calima. A Calima is a particular wind that blows from the Sahara area of North Africa towards and over the Canary Islands.

A Calima often brings with it dust and heat. However, they are not that common and only tend to last for a few days and a maximum of a week when they do occur.

The dust can give the sky on the horizon a yellow/orange tinge, reducing visibility substantially. Most people with respiratory problems, such as asthma, generally experience few problems here in Fuerteventura most of the year as the air is so clean, but during a Calima, they can have problems.

The heat is caused not only by the warm air blown in from the desert but also by the dust forming a kind of thermal blanket over the islands. This blanket allows the sun’s heat in but then traps it and stops it from dissipating into the atmosphere. This is not normally a problem in the winter, though.

Update: February 2020

You may have seen all the media coverage about the big Calima in the Canary Islands. Some say it was the worst that the islands have experienced for 40 years. If you want to see what it was like, watch the video below:

I have written a few posts and made videos about the Calimas – Fuerteventura weather – Calima and dirty rain and Fuerteventura Calima – so it is very hot today

What are the most popular sports in Fuerteventura?

Not surprisingly, the Fuerteventura wind is an important factor in the most popular sports on the island.

Windsurfing, kite-boarding and surfing are extremely popular here and attract enthusiasts from all over the world. Windsurfing and kiteboarding can’t happen without the wind, so it is pretty important.

windsurfing in Fuerteventura

Windsurfers take full advantage of July and August being particularly windy as the World Windsurfing Championships are held here then.

Anyone serious about these sports spends lots of time studying the wind and wave heights on, an incredibly detailed site showing predictions at all times of the day. Just search windguru Fuerteventura on Google to see what I mean.

Fuerteventura Wind FAQs

Is the wind a problem in Fuerteventura?

The wind is generally stronger during the hotter summer months, which means it is often a benefit rather than a problem, as it helps to keep cool.

Does Fuerteventura mean strong wind?

It is more likely that Fuerteventura means good or strong fortune

Is Fuerteventura too windy to sunbathe?

On the beaches, there are many stone circles where you can sunbathe if the wind is particularly strong. For much of the year, no wind protection is needed.

What is the best time to visit Fuerteventura for calmer winds?

The calmest months in Fuerteventura are normally September through November.


According to wind statistics, Fuerteventura boasts an impressive wind statistic, solidifying its reputation as a paradise for wind enthusiasts. Unlike its windier counterparts, this Canary Island offers a balanced tranquility and a refreshing breeze.

Even in October, when the wind tends to be more subdued, Fuerteventura maintains its status as the island with the least windy climate. So whether you’re seeking a serene getaway or an adventure in the windy Canary Islands, Fuerteventura is your ideal destination.

Don’t let the idea of winds prevent you from visiting the island for a holiday. They are not generally a problem; as I stated above, they can be a blessing during the hotter summer months.

You can read my article about the Weather in Fuerteventura for more details.

6 responses to “Is Fuerteventura Windy? Debunking the Myths”

  1. Phil Pick avatar
    Phil Pick

    Hi JP, love your YouTube videos and have subscribed you are a fantastic resource for all things Fuerteventura!

    So my wife and I live in Almeria, but it’s so hot in summer… I know we chose it and after much research, but living the dream in the summer heat is not so easy. Fuerteventura therefore seems like a possible paradise.

    So we are looking for something to purchase, probably rent first. What is La Capallenia (Tamaragua) like, the villas on the estate look reasonable. Is it a good area to be looking in do you think? Cheers Phil

    1. JP in Fuerteventura avatar
      JP in Fuerteventura

      I will send you an email Phil

  2. David avatar

    Really interesting article. Thank you
    So where would you suggest is the best place to live on the island for least wind?

    1. JP in Fuerteventura avatar
      JP in Fuerteventura

      I don’t think it makes that much difference to be honest David. The prevailing wind is from the north-east (the start of the trade winds) so it might be possible to find a small pocket protected by a hill but really you just have to accept it. Sometimes it will be strong and other times almost nothing.

  3. Felipe Capuano Papadimitriu avatar
    Felipe Capuano Papadimitriu

    Hello JP and thank you for this article it is lovely. I’m interested in visiting fuerteventura for 5 weeks or so, and I would really like it to be windy because I’m a windsurfer. If I go in March-April, and I stay for 40 days, how many days should I expect to windsurf? Thanks in advance <3

    1. JP in Fuerteventura avatar
      JP in Fuerteventura

      Hi Felipe. I don’t windsurf but I would imagine that you would be able to windsurf every day if you wish. There are very few days when there isn’t a sea breeze.

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